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Old 07-20-2008, 05:38 PM   #511
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Join Date: Jan 2001
Location: Phoenix, AZ
Originally Posted by Buccaneer View Post
Axxon, I think the left libertarian and right libertarian thing is interesting. I am still learning more about but overall I think it points to a different way/mindset than what is promoted by the traditional parties. I think both tenets have some great ideas and all we need are: 1) grassroots efforts to get like-minded individuals in the various legislative branches and 2) a charismatic, likeable leader promoting such values. I have always believe that is doesn't have to be a third-party for either party can take up these values if they can shake their niche special interests. Sen. Proxmire did this to some extent within the Dem party and Ron Paul with the Rep party. It's the caucasing and oppositional politics that tends to kill any alternate thinkings and marginlizes such different approaches to policies, since they do not conform to compartmentalization we like to place everything in.

It's interesting because Ron Paul is someone who resonated with me and in some ways I'm glad he didn't win the nomination because my desire not to vote republican this time would have been severely tested had he been the nominee and I wouldn't like to have to make the decision ( if his positions held up to scrutiny ) between him and Obama but it would have been a time when I wouldn't have minded losing so much either way. I don't think there's been an election in my lifetime, including those I was too young to understand at the time, that I could say that.

I could say it about Kennedy Nixon though but I wasn't born yet.
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