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Old 07-22-2008, 12:38 AM   #158
Chief Rum
Hall Of Famer
Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: Where Hip Hop lives
Originally Posted by path12 View Post
Chief, if a bill is passed enacting a role, would that role pass to the party whose spectrum it is on or is it a random action as to who becomes that role?

For example, bodyguard is on the democratic side of the spectrum. If a bodyguard bill is passed, would that person be a Dem or could they be Rep? How is it determined which player becomes that role?

You write that into the bill if you like. You can have me choose someone at random. You can have a Leader select one. Or the Speaker. Or the President. Whoever picks, you can force the choice to be on the Dem or the Repub side (keep in mind that's not likely to get votes from whichever side is not getting a say ).

The bill needs to not only include the role. But also state if it's a standard role (and define that). Act like you're the GM. Take the BG example. Putting aside who picks for a moment, what rules do you want in place? You can say standard BG, protects one person per night cycle, can't be the same person two nights in a row. You can write in that he can see who the attacker is. Or that he can protect the same person two nights in a row. Or himself as much as he wants.

Just keep in mind, too powerful of a role could be struck down by the Supreme Court ("me"). I am using standard roles as a measure. Go too far beyond the scope of the standard role with respect to ability and power, and it is more likely I will strike it down. Go a little bit farther, though, and I am might be more inclined to allow the role. Of course, go too short of the standard role, and you might feel it is too weak to be useful. Creativity is encouraged. For another example, instead of making a BG that is stronger or weaker than the standard role, you could add a power but take away another, in a twist to try something different that would not be likely to get struck down.

Also, look at this politically. Dems want a Bodyguard. Repubs want a Seer. Villagers want both.

I put the Liaison role in the game for a reason. Not all (maybe not even much) of what goes on in Washington happens on the floor of Congress. They don't call them backrooms for nothing.

I would rather be wrong...Than live in the shadows of your song...My mind is open wide...And now I'm ready to start...You're not sure...You open the door...And step out into the dark...Now I'm ready.
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