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Old 07-22-2008, 03:23 PM   #359
Join Date: Aug 2001
Location: Buffalo, NY
Originally Posted by Chubby View Post
The problem being if it gets shot down because it's unconstitutional then we probably take a popularity hit for that.

Not speaking for the party, that's KWhit's job, but we all want a seer in the game unless you are a wolf.

I believe this bit of your statement is entirely assumption, you have no basis for this belief.

however, I feel, and my constituancy agrees/believes as I do, that it is better to push the boundaries and gain a more secure nation, than to play the politicly corect game and worry about our popularity.

Even if you are correct, and I do not believe you are that our popularity may suffer by being attached to a bill deemed unconstitutional, is it not better to show the voters, AND THE WOLVES, that you're willing to take that risk and vote your conscience and not your career?
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