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Old 07-22-2008, 04:05 PM   #376
Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: Big Ten Country
Okay, I got permission from CR to post our bill, even though I'm not the Leader or the Whip. He asked that the Leader (Tyrith) or the Whip (jeheinz72) please confirm that this is the bill when they show up.

I, Passacaglia, taking the place of Tyrith, the gun loving leader of the Congressional Republics, and jeheinz72, the whip loving traitor, submit to you this bill for your consideration -


Co-Sponsors: illinifan999 and Mrs. Schmidty

We create a seer role to be given to a random non-wolf member of this Congress, to have the ability once per year, at night, to select a member of Congress and determine whether or not they are a member of the Wolf Party. The name of the person to be scanned should be given to the moderator before the night deadline.

Further, if this seer is attacked at night by the wolves, he shall have a 25% chance of avoiding political death and remaining in the game, although he shall not learn the identity of his attacker.
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