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Old 08-13-2008, 01:27 AM   #30
Join Date: Apr 2005
Originally Posted by DeToxRox View Post
A loss hurts, a win helps. The degree to which either occurs helps make more impact but a lot of it is also dependant on the three events you schedule for the visit.

Any good threads or sites that offer an in-depth idea on the campus visits. I'm not exactly sure how it works, and the impact it has (does a certain game or weekend have a bigger impact over another)? How do the events work (and clue as to what to pick)? Say we did have a prospect coming in who an offer from Michigan (which we don't this weekend, sadly) and an offer from us, both in his top three schools, would a win by us give us an extra boost in comparison to a regular game since we beat you or vice versa?
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