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Old 08-26-2008, 07:58 PM   #62
Alan T
Hall Of Famer
Join Date: Dec 2002
Location: Mass.
Originally Posted by Dark Cloud View Post
I created some new baseball statistics called VOCL and Win Window. The idea was to find some measure to assess where a team was in relation to the 'breakthrough' level of success needed to compete for a championship. In FOOL, the threshold is very high because only two teams make the playoffs. In leagues with longer players, the threshold is lower. But VOCL isn't intended to find out who the best team is or who will in the playoffs.

It's only purpose is to assess for you how "close" you are to championship level.

A positive Win Window indicates that you're a contender, the closer to 1.000 you are, the more likely you are to be in your win window.

I calculated them for FOOL based on this past season's stats

Team BVORP PVORP VOCL WD GMS WW Valdosta Peanuts 456 164.7 220.7 58 154 1.810 Colorado Rancheros 196 288.1 84.1 38 154 0.793 Boston Settlers 236.1 209.4 45.5 6 154 0.334 Brooklyn Brownstones 324.5 103.6 28.1 14 154 0.273 Rio Grande Roadrunners 222 158.1 -19.9 6 154 -0.090 Atlanta Firecrackers 145.2 211.5 -43.3 18 154 -0.164 Quad City Thunderstorms 225.9 115.7 -58.4 6 154 -0.340 Compton Brothers 152.1 166.5 -81.4 12 154 -0.451 Ann Arbor Wolverines 168.4 134.8 -96.8 -2 154 -0.642 Baltimore Terrapins 140.2 98.4 -161.4 -20 154 -1.178 Toronto Atlantics 150.1 75 -174.9 -14 154 -1.227 New York Highlanders 78.6 109.8 -211.6 -16 154 -1.478 Hartford Harpooners -5.7 169.3 -236.4 -6 154 -1.574 El Paso Alligators 78.4 72.9 -248.7 -32 154 -1.823 Columbus Crusaders 68.6 60.5 -270.9 -22 154 -1.902 Texas Copperheads 58.1 23.9 -318 -46 154 -2.364

If you're interested in formulas, VOCL (Value Over Championship Level) is

For Win Window, the formula is

So would you say that I am effectively within my "win window" right now?
Couch to ??k - From the couch to a Marathon in roughly 18 months.

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