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Old 08-30-2008, 11:12 AM   #115
FOFC Survivor
Join Date: Apr 2002
Location: Wentzville, MO
Defensively, we were very, very solid. Ray splattered the running back off tackle on the first defensive play after a yard gain that resulted in the boy running off the field crying. The boy, Seth, was the Trojans first pick among the 10 year old boys.

Things didn't get much better for them as they tried to test our defensive line. I can understand why they thought it would work. With just Ray behind the defensive line and five yards back at that, it would appear fairly easy to beat us up the middle. They never gained more than a yard up the middle, though.

Off tackle presented a few problems. We allowed a big run once there and a few decent gains. Nathaniel struggled at linebacker. Ashanti might be the better option there. That might allow Nathaniel to be a corner instead. I'm disappointed about that move, but it might be the better option. We'll keep those options open for now.

We got beat for scores twice on the sweep. THE FLIPPING SWEEP. The first was because COACH BRYAN told his son to crash down on the end, which is exactly NOT what I want them to do. However, allowing the touchdown was exactly what we needed. Coach realized he screwed us up on that, and the ends never crashed again. The second score was based on the back bouncing around our end and making a few boys miss. I can take that one a little easier than going untouched for the score.

Corner wise, Carlos did a great job on a reverse. He followed his man in motion, ran with him across the field, and stopped the play for a loss. The loss is what surprised me. Carlos, who caused me a number of headaches offensively, really turned on the jets with that. Nick T. did a solid job, though he totally ignored his assignment once and got caught up in the moment of the quarterback scrambling for his life. Nick ended up with the sack, though if the quarterback had seen the man open, we would have needed Ray to make the stop. Noah did a decent job, but still didn't hit well. Jacob is quickly becoming the bane of my existence. After not looking good offensively, he looked just as bad defensively.

Our ends had 3 sacks as well. Bryce came up with one, Nick C had the other two. Very good job out of them. Ashanti wasn't as good as they were; he may move to linebacker.

With linebackers, Connor clearly did the best. Nathaniel struggled with attacking the end, and wanted to complain about small things to me afterward. David worked in with the unit, but wasn't anything spectacular.

Ray did well as the monster, but I would have liked him to be out there on those sweeps. I think he reacted just a hair too slow.

Defensive line was outstanding. JD, Hunter, and Layne combined for two sacks as well as clogging the middle. Nolan and Alex did a pretty decent job. Nolan actually outperformed Alex on the defensive side. He did exactly what I asked of him. Alex wants to squat rather than line up in a 4 point stance.

Overall, I'd say we won the 'scrimmage' handily. Outside of their two 'scores' and the big gain, they got nothing accomplished. Their quarterback was 0-2 with six sacks.

Offensively, despite our 'problems' we still 'scored' three times as well as had very good gains on about half our plays.

I just need to tune them up to get the other half rolling.
Cheer for a walk on quarterback! Ardent leads the Vols in the dynasty forum.

Last edited by Poli : 08-30-2008 at 11:13 AM.
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