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Old 09-04-2008, 09:34 AM   #2985
College Starter
Join Date: Apr 2007
Location: Arlington, VA
Palin needed to convince voters that she was more than a pretty face and she did that well. It was a well-written speech, well-delivered -- right down to the staged "lipstick" line. I thought it was ad-libbed, too, but apparently it was not.

It was not without mistakes, however. The "Bridge to Nowhere" stuff was a bald-faced lie. She supported the earmark and pushed Congress not to rescind it. Congress, however, did, and designated that it be spent on other Alaska projects. Only after that was done and the issue was dead did she state mild opposition to the bridge.

Some folks have said that going after her family is fair game because they came down to the stage. Not yet; every nominee brings the whole clan to the stage to wave. If Bristol campaigns for her or starts appearing a lot, then I suppose it would be fair to question that. Or if Palin continues to focus her rhetoric on how great her family and its values are, then the other side probably has to ask questions.
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