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Old 09-10-2008, 11:25 AM   #48
FOFC's Elected Representative
Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: The stars at night; are big and bright
Hurricane #1 made us wet this week, and Hurricane #2 hits the coast on Saturday, so we can probably expect another week of it. Beats the heat that is usually here in Texas this time of year.

We had a solid practice last night. We did half field instruction on defense. We only have 16 players, so we played a scout offense against the starting right side, and then a scouting offense on the left side. This worked really well. We ran basic dives, sweeps, a few passes, just to get the guys used to what they will see. Liked the agression. Our monster, Jack, played liked a damn senior in high school. This kid is amazing. Full throttle, hits like a ton of bricks, and is lean and mean. He keeps making kids (big kids) cry. I don't see how any team slows him down playing the position he will be playing.

On offense, we have installed our "core plays" - power, sweep, reverse, trap. I have two backfield units that looked pretty good. Our issue is a first year player at center who keeps hiking the ball too high. This happened last season as well, and it can be fixed by reps. He is a little timid, I am afraid a big noseguard might light him up, but we are out of options for that position. It has to be Richard, and we have to make it work.

My assistant is trying to get me to agree to a scrimmage with a select bantam team. The last two seasons, I have had complete backfires with scrimmages. It always turns out to be an ego-fest for the coach, and less instructional. They want to run around and yell, and make it feel like a real game, and I never seem to feel like I have any value out of it. We'll see. I need to install a bunch more plays and if we scrimmage this Thursday, that gives me only 4 more practices before game #1.
"i have seen chris simms play 4-5 times in the pros and he's very clearly got it. he won't make a pro bowl this year, but it'll come. if you don't like me saying that, so be it, but its true. we'll just have to wait until then" imettrentgreen

"looking at only ten games, and oddly using a median only, leaves me unmoved generally" - Quiksand
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