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Old 09-12-2008, 09:55 AM   #485
Hall Of Famer
Join Date: Oct 2002
Location: Massachusetts
Originally Posted by Mustang View Post
I've noticed that playing WW really seems to wreck havoc on people's internet connections... Seems like there are always 2-3 people having 'internet issues'

heh - if you doubt my sincerity check my thread in general discussion - or ask lathum who i mentioned it to prior to the game.

believe me i wish i was kidding so that i could fly UTR, but my HD conked out on me and due to various circumstances it has taken me way longer than it should have to replace it - it happened last saturday and then i had to wait till tues for the tech to come so that i could rescue data off of it, then was supposed to get the HD weds but don't have access to a car and my ride decided to flake on me, finally got it last night and installed it and realized that my recovery partition wasn't on my 2nd HD (the laptop had 2) but was in fact on the drive that is dying, so there's no way to recover from it - therefore had to order HP recovery disks in the mail today and have them sent overnight so hopefully they arrive tomorrow (jeezus i hope it's not Monday!)/
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