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Old 09-23-2008, 08:18 PM   #46
High School Varsity
Join Date: Sep 2008
Location: Cape Cod, MA
Originally Posted by magic_number View Post
If tonight is the 1st night of FA, why are there FA signings a done deal with our last download?? If we can sign FA's sooner then Tuesday then that's news to me or am I missing something??

Why can't OOTP9 let you see a guy's reaction to your offer on his contract page?? Same for option years, makes no sense to me, that I have to find the "e-mail" from a guy to take (or not) his option??

This games has a shitload of SNAFUs like this!! Makes the getting to know it phase a pain in the ASS!!!


Options are a pain especially since we don't get our mail correctly. This doesn't happen in my other online league, who knows why.

As to FAs, you can sign them before tonight by offering them a minimum of 2 years, you pay them to watch the FOOL Classic wearing your cap, think of it as a signing bonus.
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