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Old 10-06-2008, 05:57 AM   #103
Join Date: Sep 2008
I am here to serve our master Apocalypse in bringing his new order to the World.

I see that some are already looking to form teams, old habits die hard for some it seems. While teams may help in the battle to stamp out the traitors amongst us we should remember that our ultimate loyalty belongs with Apocalypse not to these teams. We should not allow inconsequential loyalty between team members to deflect us form hunting out those who seek to overthrow the new regime. Anyone whose stated reason for attacking someone is "because my team is doing it" should be viewed with suspicion, as this is the perfect excuse for traitors to whittle down our numbers.

I would also suggest that thought be given to whether we should be looking to kill someone today in order to start the hunt for the traitors or whether we should marshall our resources for a day. This will mean that we can fully use the talents we have available to hunt down the traitors. I have no qualms killing, or being killed, in the service of our master but we may be wasting resources thrashing around blindly so early. A possible solution to maximise our resources would be for everyone to attack the person before them in the list provided. If we all make token attacks then we can better muster our resources to better pinpoint the cancer which we can then excise.

The drawback with this plan is that we probably delay crushing the rebellion which may give Galactacus the time to strike and we apply no pressure on the traitors today, and gain no useful data to study in later days. The advantages are that we don't remove someone with powers that can be of great benefit to our master Apocalypse and we accumulate energy by making the token attack.

I am normally in favour of taking the direct approach and seeking to resolve a situation as quickly as possible but in this case I think we may be better served by allowing all loyal subjects of Apocalypse the chance to use their multitude of talents to gather information and weed out the traitors.
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