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Old 10-09-2008, 11:03 AM   #196
Pro Starter
Join Date: Apr 2002
Location: Baltimore MD
Im trying to hit all point here so forgive me if its choppy.

Commo- thanks for that link, its even hard for me to follow as of now, because we were dealing with more than one issue there, and like i suspected it was on page 7 of an 8 page thread. I was just coming off vacation at that time and I know I didnt read that whole thing, which was why I was clueless about that. My bad please accept my appologies.

Kaos- Since your post was directed more at me I have no problems with you or whoever else calling me out. Its your league too

Voiding contract issue- I dont know all of MLB rules so I cant comment on what Commo is saying, but an example that pops into my head was with the Cleveland Cavaliers a few years back voiding Carlos Boozers contract and he bolted to the Utah Jazz, but again thats the NBA and not the MLB and its 2 different things.

As for going forward. I dont see how we as a whole are going to agree on anything. So im good with the BOD coming up with what they think is best for the league and moving us forward.

Ill throw my opinions out there though

1. I dont mind backloaded contracts as with the new finacial rules, its just gonna kill a team if they release a guy so im good with those staying. Its that guys team and his business if he wants to have a contract with that on the books, and makes it eaiser for the rest of us in FA.

2. I dont want to see those 1 year deals outlawed. Maybe if we can get the post that explains that sticked at the top DC for new guys to follow? I think that is a nice stragety for rebuilding teams to use, and again if a guy want to commit 16 mil to one guy, that makes it easier for the rest of us in the FA market.

3. Im good with Options and Bonus staying, and the bonus thing I think we have proved doesnt mean a whole lot when the AI determines where the guy goes. Options are useful and help teams with cap and releasing players so they dont take a cap hit so id rather not have those go anywhere. I think the void thing needs to be addressed so that we dont have a 19 mil contract getting voiding and then him resing with the same team for like 6 mil year. We also shouldnt have to police that. We are all grownups here as much as I maybe dont act like it sometimes and if we decide to put it in writing dont do it, id hope that none of us would do it and that we would all respect that rule.

I think I hit everything here.
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