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Old 10-20-2008, 09:35 AM   #242
Pro Starter
Join Date: Apr 2002
Location: Baltimore MD
wow, Im not even sure where to start..

First I want to appologize for causing the shit storm that I have caused.

On Friday I was planning on exporting after work, I get off at 4:30. However we had a suicide attempt on campus, so I had to stay and deal with that. Yes it was a total mess, but we did save the life.

Then straight from that I had to go coach, because it was our homecoming weekend, and On friday we do a big kickoff with Midnight Madness.

So I was unable to get to my computer to export. I again appologize. That is the only sim I have missed here ever (when I havent been on vacation).

When I tired to get on the net saturday, it seems my campus virus protection is blocking my brower from connecting to the net, so I wasnt able to get on here to post to let you guys know my situation.

On a whim on Sunday I decided to see if I could download the file and I was able too. So i did send in instructions for the classic sim.

So thats where I was and what happened. Until I can get our tech guys to come take a look at my computer I wont be able to post from home, but i should still be able to send in my files.

Im pretty busy at work at the moment so I cant comment on the rest of the stuff thats been said but hopefully ill be able to throw my 2 cents in here during the afternoon.
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