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Old 10-28-2008, 05:19 PM   #116
College Benchwarmer
Join Date: Jun 2008
Location: Edmonton, Alberta
Originally Posted by Pike View Post
True, but I value a stud everyday position guy far more than a stud SP. Simply put, a guy with a huge bat can swing alot more games for you than a guy who is playing every 4 or 5 days. Granted, Slider might be a 20 wins kinda pitcher....but someone batting .310 and an OPS of .900 is probably going to be able to win even more than 20 for you, and if the WinShares are any indication, this is usually true even for players lesser than the one I detailed above. Because, not only do you factor in his bat, but you factor in his glove---especially for a CF/2B/SS, or even a 3B.

I guess what I am getting out, is that while this guy is one I would desperately love to have.....I would even moreso want a top-notch position guy.

I value pitching slightly more then hitting, but I totally respect your thoughts...Especially if you have Bill James backing up your position...
I'm only going to continue this debate because I am DYING to talk baseball...
TODAY, In this FA pool, uhhh...I forget his name, the stud pitcher, is the man to chase after. If there were an equally talented hitter, particularly a non OF or 1B, then I agree, yes, go hard for him...but there isn't a simular position player available. With any position player in this FA pool, you would be able to land his equal next season, and the season after, but Mr I forgethisname or his equal, are not available each year.

The other players in the FA pool are good to round out your roster, but for any developing team, I think landing a player to build your franchise around is priority #1. I'm entering a re-tooling phase, and landing whats-his-name his is too tempting to resist....even if it means moving some of my previously untouchables to make room
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