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Old 11-13-2008, 05:59 PM   #102
Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: Astoria, NY, USA
i have banned trading with Hartford. it's a start. i don't think a team struggling to make the playoffs in real life would trade with the team on top of them, much like how the Red Sox don't trade with the Yankees or the Braves and Mets don't trade with each other. my thinking is if all roads lead through Hartford - i don't want to give them any guys that they can beat me with. put another way - i don't want to give my enemy the bullets he can use to shoot me with.

maybe we can make a rule where if a guy is in the last year of his contract and makes the All Star game you can't resign him to an extension. or maybe if he meets certain statistical criteria in his last season (like hits .300 that season or hits 20 HRs, etc) then he automatically becomes eligibile to be a free agent - no extensions allowed. something like that. otherwise i don't have a prob playing for 2nd best, anything can (hopefully) happen in the playoffs.
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