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Old 11-14-2008, 06:25 PM   #14
Alan T
Hall Of Famer
Join Date: Dec 2002
Location: Mass.
Originally Posted by Anthony View Post
i can't seem to reimport my gamefile. i gave extensions to the wrong players not leaving enough room to sign some other players, and the guy i didn't give extensions to are guys i'd rather keep.

everytime i try to import via FTP it says i have the wrong game date.

It probably is because your exported team file was from Thursday night and can not be used for Friday's sim. (the game dates don't match).

The only way I have found to "undo" mistake signings is to actually delete the entire league from your drive, and re-download it from scratch. That will give you a fresh friday file to work with.. but you'll have to re-do everything.. and I mean everything.. so it is kind of a scorched earth approach.

OOTP doesn't give you a way to "undo" contract offers, which makes sense for solo player, but doesn't as much for online league play. The better way for them to have done it would be that you can change your mind as long as the day hasn't advanced. But once the day advances, if you change your mind it forces the player to not want to sign with you perhaps.
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