Originally Posted by Ben E Lou
We don't see factors like "loyalty" and "wants winner" coming into play in multiplayer because there seems to always be someone out there with the cap room and game savvy to offer a *lot* more money than the next guy. In the FOFL's recent free agency period, coming off of a 13-3 season, I had all of my key pieces returning, and over $60M in cap room (roughly 45% of the league's cap) available to me. I have two very good starting wide receivers, but I threw $17.5M for one season (over 10% of the cap) at a guy to be my third wide receiver, simply because I could afford to do it. And this isn't an isolated incident at all.
Yeah...not to mention the WR signing the year before:
theFOFL.com : Player >> Doug Johnstone
2021 Free Agency (I) Charleston WR Signed as an unrestricted free agent from Ayr 44,690,000/1
Or his subsequent flat (yes, FLAT, not backloaded

) renegotiation.
2022 Free Agency (I) Charleston WR Renegotiated contract 34,000,000/4
Yes, perhaps there's some risk there. But then again, that cap cost might look
really good in the last two years too.
Ben has some good points though. The problems I think are that not enough players get to FA, and players are renegotiated in ways that make for a little too much cap room (in FOFL we are floating a no-haggle rule where you just accept a reneg at what a player is asking, or don't reneg - which includes no tack-on minsal years for the young/role players). Of course, I usually do that anyway which is why I never have cap room (yes, I'm slow like that). Even so, I am able to hang on to most players I want to.
Now, each year shouldn't be a FA free-for-all either - there is something to be said for continuity and MP owners tend to become attached to players. There's a balance to be struck. I've just not given much thought on how to achieve it.