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Old 12-12-2008, 11:42 PM   #228
Hall Of Famer
Join Date: Nov 2000
Location: Mays Landing, NJ USA
2.Chief Rum
- no votes at all
- quite active after the roles are revealed, says he is looking forward to being able to be active early on in the game at that point
- posts at 4:00 AM on the day of the day one deadline asking for Jackal to make a case and that he would return
- posts again an hour and a half after day one deadline appologetic about missing the vote but that he would have voted Jackal anyway, calls out Lathum for his day one save of me
- no more activity until 15 minutes after the deadline and say he has been around but not into it and again casts doubt on Lathum in that post

- day 1 2nd vote on Jackal to put him in early lead
- posts an hour before day one deadline says not changing vote, day one and sees no reason to basically
- places day 2 vote on mccolins to put it over the top and out of reach with a few minutes left before deadline (there did not seem to be any chance of the vote changing at that point anyway so not sure how much to make of this vote)
- posts a summary which incorrectly claims I voted for the cop and Psychic though I voted for Jackal (self defense) who was the cop and Lathum (unknown)
- votes me day 3
- posts something about a wolf/wolf vote which makes no sense as that scenario has not occured based on what we know about the outcome of the votes and night kills

- votes Jackal day 1 to make it Jackal 3, others 1
- sys he doesn't think we had villager/villager on day one (meanin he thinks I am a wolf)
- votes RendeR late day 2
- makes a confusing post about losing a lynch today after the day 2 vote (does explain later that he was thinking about the brutal)
- posts again that we hadgthe wrong guy (see explanation of above as well)
- claims how bad his votes look
- ponders number of wolves remaining

- votes The Jackal day one, need to vote someone and figured I would go with the original example from the rules
- late change in day one vote to Lathum (I was in the lead in the voting at the time with my vote on Jackal, hoped that moving off him may get him to move off me and give the non-voters a choice, having my vote not in the running gives me something to play with for vote change if the vote gets close as with my vote on the #2 guy gives me no move to make to save myself if needed)
- Changes back to The Jackal after Lathum claims he would if I did.
- early day 2 vote of RendeR, one of the non-voters from day one
- analyzes Lathums day one move (over-analyzes?) and changes vote from RendeR to Lathum
- defending mccollins in a post (not looking good for me there now) figuring we wouldn't have a wolf non-vote as I had never seen that happen in a game yet (from the sample size of the games I have been in).
- pushed for a Lathum run
- posted early take on things with a bit of suspicion on PF and CR
- posted potential theories on the mccollins Lathum vote
- correcte Lathum's take on the makeup of the game, to correct his incorrect take that I am a wolf

- breaks tie day one with vote on me with about an hour and a half left before deadline
- begins his hard on for Danny about Danny voting 3rd party (Danny's vote only made it 2-1-1 at the time)
- after being called out about his statement on Danny claims he is "just trying to get discussion going"
- makes deal to move vote off me if I move vote to The Jackal
- breaks tie by moving vote to The Jackal
- early day 2 vote of Danny (guess that Danny thing wasn't just for discussion after all)
- defends non-voters, again calls ot Danny saying he "avoided chaos" (Danny's day 1 vote was early enough and brought a legit 3rd party to the mix instead of a late throw away)
- makes a post defending his Danny vote (missed this earlier but he claims "IF I was the seer I would have scanned you D1 so maybe we will find something out", could be a setup for a fake reveal?)
- claims RendeR probably scanned him (to setup an "I'm a villager" defense?)
- votes me, proposes a 4-2 scenario where I am a wolf and he is the good guy (I guess he couldn't get anyne to bite on his Danny theory?)
- claims my post which basically turns his logic around to show what if Lathum is the wolf does not make sense to him
- claims the usual "why would I do that as a wolf?" defense (how many times has a wolf done something andthen defended it with this line?)

- early day 1 vote on Lathum (makes it 2-1-1 and brings 3rd party into the mix, not a bad thing)
- morning of day 1 says he is out until after deadline and sees no reason to move vote at that time
- puts early day 2 vote on mccollins (this looks good to me with RendeR listed as his other choice of the non-voters)
- wants me and Lathum lynched
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