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Old 01-22-2009, 05:44 PM   #452
Join Date: Aug 2001
Location: Buffalo, NY
Ok, one by one, I'm going to try and look at these from a neutral standpoint:

Originally Posted by RealDeal View Post
I'll make the objective case here:

1. Telle's "reveal" was fishy from the start. She threw it out at the last second and definitely hasn't acted like she was truly Gabriel after the reveal.

Revealing at the last minute is presicely what a roled character should do. You never reveal until you absolutely have to. As for "acting like gabriel" thats far too subjective to be worth anything here.
Originally Posted by RealDeal View Post
2. She refuses to give any detail at all corraborating that she is Gabriel. I've gone freakin open kimodo. Now I understand the rationale of not wanting to give information to wolves, but if you're up on the block, and you've already revealed, seems like you should be able to come up with something. She can't because she isn't Gabriel.

OK first off, if you notice the vote count, she really Isn't on the block yet. you are, deeply, so your reasoning for her to reveal more about herself falls flat here. if she had as many votes as you or anyone else I'd say you might be right, however think about the role in question, why would someone reveal anything at all about what amounts to the most powerful good role in the game? That just doesn't make any sense, especially if it afects the other roled players.

Originally Posted by RealDeal View Post
3. Daddy Torgo claims to have used an ability to determine whether or not telle's "I am Gabriel" statement was true AND IT WASN'T!!! If you think I'm lying, then you have to assume he is too.

I stated this before, this is a FALSE statement. DT does not have to be lying. She could well be another angel or even Lucifer. She could be ANYONE. The only people that will know for certain are the angels and Lucifer, if she's Lucifer, Gabriel's got her by the short hairy ones, if she's Gabriel Lucifer can't come after her without giving himself up. If she's just another angel claiming she's gabriel protects the real gabriel.

Originally Posted by RealDeal View Post
4. There is no rationale out there for voting for me other than the fact I "jumped on Telle". Damn straight I jumped on her: I know she isn't Gabriel. You can go back to when she "revealed"; even then I tried to hint what I knew with the "sounds fishy to me" post I made.

Actually the rational for voting you STARTED with your unreal overreaction to telle. Since then you've compounded it with overly intricate reasonings and admitions of lying to us all and faking work.

overall you've really screwed yourself here. Even if you're right nothing you've done thus far has suported that because of your reactions and your scheming.
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