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Old 01-22-2009, 07:18 PM   #460
Join Date: Aug 2001
Location: Buffalo, NY
Originally Posted by RealDeal View Post
She says that she's Gabriel. However you interpret DT's statement, he says she's not Gabriel. If she were a human, why would she lie and say she was Gabriel. If she's an angel who's not Gabriel, why would she say she was Gabriel. I find it hard to believe you are trying to be objective when you essentially ignore that.

And to your statement that why would she reveal when four people would say she's lying, well, I'm one of those four people and look what good it's done me. Do you need every single angel to reveal themselves at once for you to believe it.

The reason why I'm frustrated is that I give specific information and there's DT who corroborates that, at a minimum the other person is lying, and yet people are piling on me. There's real evidence that Telle's the wolf. The arguments for me have none. For me, it's like no good deed goes unpunished.

And as far as, well if we're wrong we can get the right one tomorrow, yeah that's true but wouldn't you prefer to get the right one first? My ability to guard one part of the cathedral per night from sabotage seems important enough to at least base the decision on facts and evidence and things like that.

Fact 1: there is no proof, as you say that anyone is being honest, you, DT or Telle. That being the case there is nothing to go on beyond appearances. You come out guns blazing and frankly, thats wolfish. If you're telling the truth, perhaps this will be a good lesson for the next game

Fact 2: You Lied to everyone already, why should we listen to you again? Why such an elaborate story about what you were doing and why? Occamz razor, simplest answer is usually right, your story is about as far from simple as it gets.

Fact 3: You admitted faking work on the walls. Even if you needed to fake work for a GOOD reason, you would have known better than to fake work on the ONE thing that we MUST finish. You chose to fake work that delayed us even further, thats not a good decision at best and its a deliberate sabotage at worst. I'm a bit of a pessimist, guess where I think it falls?

Fact 4: You reveal as probably the second MOST important angel. if the angels had to decide on one of them to reveal themselves to refute telle it sure as hell wouldn't be Micah. If you are Micah, again terrible decision on your part, that would make 2 or 3 so far and I don't think ANYONE makes that many bad choices in one sitting. If you're not micah you're trolling to get him to reveal to pick off another high profile person.

As for your opening argument, I've answered that already, twice. Revealing as Gabriel as a good player if she is NOT gabriel keeps the heat off the real gabriel for more time. revealing as gabriel as any of the demon is suicide on day 1.

You can keep going if you want, but the over the top play you put on is a bad move even if you're right. There is more in what you've posted that sounds like a bad wolf covering his ass than there is of anything that incriminates telle further.

lastly, there is the fact that reveals tend to go first reveal trusted second one lynched (in my memory anyway) so thats going against you as well.

You've done your part. We'll see where the chips fall. If I'm wrong it won;t be the first time and we get her tomorrow. Either way its shiny.
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