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Old 01-22-2009, 08:23 PM   #509
Alan T
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Join Date: Dec 2002
Location: Mass.
Originally Posted by PurdueBrad View Post
That's my secondary reason, I have a very different reason.

I am still catching up. I was hoping you wern't going to go down this path as I was hoping to try to figure out a way to try to "converse" with you somehow in code within this thread in a way to develop trust with you. Unfortunately you aren't giving me enough time to catch up fully on this thread.

I'll pause here to try to give my initial thoughts right now. I caught your hint, I don't think you are bad. I'll also say that as of now, I will be voting for Telle. Her reasons seem to me to be far flimsier than Real Deal's when you consider the big picture. Her reveal came when her neck was on the line, on a day one near the end. Her teammates likely aren't going to save her and risk outing themselves on day one, so she did the one thing she could to try to save herself and it worked. Every time we have a reveal like that in past games I have stated that I think it is worth keeping them around and letting the bad guys take care of them unless we find out they lied. In this case we have two other people who don't seem to be on a team together (in DaddyTorgo and RealDeal) that stated she has lied.

RealDeal's reveal on the other hand came when he was under no pressure, it did nothing but put a huge bullseye on him in several different fronts. It seemed far less reward for the risk then what Telle's move the previous day had.

Now if I was to consider Real Deal is lying, it doesn't really tell me much about anyone else other than Telle right now. It doesn't really tell me much about Render as he already has someone else vouching that he is human. If Telle is lying, it tells me far more about other people in the game and gives me many more tracks to lead from.

I then started going back after Telle's reveal and looked to see what I could figure out from people's reactions... I will say this pretty point blank...

If Telle is bad, I would love to see if there was something "Supernatural" about Passacaglia.

Anyhows, trying to catch up further before I vote.
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