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Old 02-03-2009, 07:36 PM   #562
Grizzled Veteran
Join Date: Nov 2004
It appears to no longer be a spoiler, yes GSP won the fight on Saturday, but alas it appears the battle is not over. The Nevada State Athletic Commission is investigating the the GSP-Penn II fight and while unlikely, it is not out of the realm of possibility the result could be over-turned and ruled a no contest.

BJ Penn complained to the commission either after the first or second round that he could not control GSP on the ground. And not in a he's more skilled than me and I can't control kind of way. He was implying that GSP was greasing himself before the fight and between rounds.

To make matters worse for GSP this came after the athletic commission was tipped off that the GSP corner was applying the vaseline that was meant for his face to his his entire torso. This prompted the commission rep to actively take a part in the GSP corner and for GSP to be wiped down between the 2-3 round break and the 3-4 round break by the commission.

The camera didn't really catch any of this other than Phil Nurse putting vaseline on GSP's face and before wiping his hands off rubbing the neck, back, chest, and upper arms of GSP. This in itself is a violation and against the rules of the NSAC. Nothing says this really changed the outcome of the fight, but BJ is world class in his ground submissions and he said during the fight that something wasn't right to the commission rep. The current rumor is that it was Chuck Liddell, who was sitting ringside, that first informed the rep that something was not right in the GSP corner.

Last edited by dubb93 : 02-03-2009 at 07:40 PM.
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