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Old 02-15-2009, 07:04 AM   #2950
Join Date: Feb 2003
Location: Seattle, WA
Wading my way through the Best Picture nominees, so far:

Frost/Nixon 9/10 -- Narrowly my favorite so far. I have friends who find it dull, but I found the back and forth between the two to be fascinating. Good acting and writing all around, but Langella is fantastic as Nixon.

Slumdog Millionaire 8.5/10 -- I get why it's the favorite to win. Great pace and I love the way Boyle lets the story unfold. Didn't know a thing going in so it was more violent than I expected, but that's not necessarily a bad thing. For me the story, although good, was just a tad below Frost/Nixon.

Milk 8/10 -- Sean Penn is amazing. I never once thought "hey, I'm watching Sean Penn play Harvey Milk". Easily Best Actor from what I've seen so far. This would be my top pick, but it felt to me that there was too much story crammed into too small a timeframe and as a result the supporting cast, while excellent, was not developed enough and I think the story somewhat suffers as a result.

Still to see before next weekend: Benjamin Button, Reader, Doubt and something else Ms.Path has mentioned and that I forget right now.....going to be a busy movie week.
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