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Old 02-21-2009, 11:42 PM   #1
College Prospect
Join Date: Jul 2001
Location: Newcastle, Australia
How good is your memory?

I'm watching a TV show with my wife. There's a couple of actors on there I recognize. I pause the show and ask her if she knows them. She responds with "The Wire" only because that was the common answer whenever I did this.

One of them was from Murphy Brown which was from a while ago but it was a show we watched regularly when it was on. The other actor was from Dexter which we had only watched the day before. She couldn't recognize/remember either which surprised me a bit. She has similar problems with other times I play "What show are they from?"

Just recently I ran in to a guy that I worked with around twenty years ago. I started reeling off stories about the two of us that he forgot about. He expressed surprise that I remembered some of that stuff.

My question is: What's your memory like?

Can you remember stuff from your childhood but can't remember last week so well? Can you remember names but have trouble with faces (or vice versa)? Do you walk into rooms and forget why you going there in the first place?

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