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Old 03-07-2009, 07:00 AM   #587
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Originally Posted by CamEdwards View Post
As I understand it, he said that by the time Congress gets through with the expanded health care bill, it will be the "Ted Kennedy Memorial Health Care Bill". That's mocking him?

It's certainly insensitive about his current condition. Much like the GOP Senator's comments about Ginsburg's condition.

Now, Rep. Bobby Rush compared Roland Burris to Ted Kennedy a few days ago, saying that Burris shouldn't resign when a Senator "drove off a bridge. People died." But since he's another Democrat, I suppose there's no reason to get our knickers in a twist.

I think there's a difference between bringing up a scandal from the past and mocking someone's current health condition. But anyways, Bobby Rush is a piece of shit and I'd gladly slam him along with Limbaugh.

Before any Democrat, liberal, or progressive decides to freak out about Rush Limbaugh, they should spend an hour listening to Randi Rhodes. Seriously. This country's in a world of hurt and the leaders of our nation are picking a fight with Rush Effing Limbaugh?? It would be laughable if it weren't so damned sad.

Rush has made himself the de facto leader of the party. He's been able to do it because the Republicans let him. They're the ones that picked the fight with Limbaugh. Then they didn't have the guts to stand by what they said, so they apologized to him. So now Rush mocks Ted Kennedy's current health condition (so much for that "Culture of Life" Republicans supposedly believe in) and gets attacked for it. If Olbermann suggested a Republican was going to die, you can bet he'd be disavowed.

As for Randi Rhodes, she certainly goes overboard and has been suspended for it (ironically one of her suspensions was in the late 80s for offending the Miami gay community), but she doesn't have nearly the same exposure that Rush has., And the left has not given her the same legitimacy that the right has given to Rush.
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