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Old 03-08-2009, 08:57 PM   #610
College Starter
Join Date: Nov 2000
Location: South Florida
Originally Posted by miked View Post
Karl Marx would probably be sick to his stomach with people thinking this was a path to socialism.

Maybe you need to reread Marx yourself. Karl Marx took a flawed economic system and was able to sell it to the masses and he did it by taking advantage of two things. The first is strength in numbers, and the second is that those who are less successful always have a natural envy and resentment of the more successful.

He created a populist message that appealed to the proletariat. He told them that they were being exploited by a rigged system that favored the bourgeoise - capitalism. Capitalism does ultimately favor the few at the expense of the many because capitalism forces competition, and in any competition there are winners and losers. Like the system or not, it has led to the standard of living most of us enjoy today.

Ultimately, what Marx did was practice class warfare. He pitted the proletariat against bourgeoise. He demonized the bourgeoise and the system that made them successful.

Today's Democratic party uses class warfare just as liberally as Marx did. Been part of the playbook for as long as I've been paying attention to politics.

...but then again that would actually require you to think and read about what you say before you say it.

It fascinates me how apologists for the left are so quick to attack the intelligence of those who don't fall lockstep into line with their philosophies and political goals. Seriously, I thought you guys were the ones who were supposed to be open-minded and tolerant.

But then, most hard-core lefties I've met do tend to have an elitist mindset ... after all, they are so much wiser and more enlightened than the rest of us "rubes."

Last edited by SFL Cat : 03-08-2009 at 09:02 PM.
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