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Old 03-09-2009, 02:13 PM   #58
Head Coach
Join Date: Feb 2003
Location: Bath, ME
I see we're filling up. Let's make sure we spread out between divisions. Maybe no more than two per division until we fill it up that much?

I've found things very understandable so far. I see what people have said about the UI, in that it doesn't jump out at me how I'm going to get to things. Like I initially wanted to just see the league, which owners were in, etc. I figured out several ways to get to that screen but I expected something more prominent and central that would show me the league teams. So far I haven't been stuck on anything, and I don't have a suggestion yet how it could be better but I'll think on it.

I've played around wtih my initial draft options and I like that set up. I think it's key that you've got the combination of EZ set up and tech setup and especially that you can combine the two. That's perfect.

My only qualm so far is the Age Factor setting, that varies from 0 to 1 in decimal increments. That's the one part of the draft matrix that seems overkill to me. I feel like it would take a lot of effort and thought for me to be able to use that in any sensible way. Maybe something more intuitive there, allowing you to choose from the spectrum of experienced players. Or just a simple toggle--do you want to care about age, or simply talent? That was the decision I made with it. I'd have no idea whether to set it on .1 or .3 or .5.
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