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Old 03-10-2009, 04:57 PM   #98
Pro Starter
Join Date: Oct 2005
Location: Washington, DC
Call me slow, but I just figured something out.

Regardless you get 2 experienced QBs, and 2 less experienced QBs? 3 experienced RB, 3 less experienced RBs? Etc? Hm. Not sure how I feel about that. If I want a veteran team, I don't want to grab 2 inexperienced QBs. You can get a young team by setting the agemod low, but if you want an experienced team it seems that you're wasting half your roster on "less experienced" players. I'm also not sure why you can't tell it to emphasise potential (rather than current) for experienced players. I assume that a 5 year guy still has room to grow? Or am I wrong about that?

Why not have a current/potential and agemod for each position and double the number drafted? Or have the experienced/less experienced breakdown that you have now, and allow people to pick the distrubition of the number of players (4 qbs, 6rbs, etc) or am I completely misunderstanding how this works?
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