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Old 03-10-2009, 06:38 PM   #686
Head Coach
Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: Colorado
But if the Senate changes the current bill, the House would have to take it up again, and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has warned that if that happens, she'll scrap the bill -- sending funding back to current levels, with no money for new programs, and eliminating all of the earmarks.

And the problem with this is...???

But to no one's surprise, the Senate passed the bill and the corruption continues. Obama could send a good message and veto this bill, which will go back to what Pelosi said. But Obama doesn't have the guts to do so (last year's bill is a stupid excuse).

As Imran alluded to, the primary directive of Congress is to get re-elected. That takes money and the primary investors in a campaign for re-election demand to be paid back, in various ways. A system of quid pro quo that only benefits the select few.
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