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Old 04-12-2009, 03:25 PM   #329
General Manager
Join Date: Oct 2002
Location: The Mountains
Originally Posted by Chief Rum View Post
You mean my opinion of the quality of the Red Sock fanbase, support for which is on display here and elsewhere in many, many of these same sort of discussions with fans from all over the country?

Sorry you have a problem with it. Of course, you are one of the ones who has earned it, so I can't say I give a fig that you're "insulted" by my opinion, as I said, based on numerous encounters with said fanbase, both here and in real life.

I'm sure you're all actually great guys, and I have just had the misfortune of constantly running into the usual rare ninnies.

Look through this thread - there's Royals fans bitching, Tigers Fans bitching, even some Nationals fans bitching. There's a few references to shooting managers in the face for bad decisions. When it's Anglels/Red Sox (or Lakers/Celtics), you get all offended and drop the "Boston Fans are Assholes" card (only because you can no longer complain about the Red Sox payroll as you did in the offseason thread, since the Angels payroll in now higher than the Red Sox. Edit: Maybe not on 2nd look, but they're in the ballpark). Why can't we react the same way as anyone else? It's so tired, and you're always the one who brings it up. Nobody's allowed to have an anti-Angels opinion without being an asshole.

Last edited by molson : 04-12-2009 at 03:29 PM.
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