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Old 04-13-2009, 08:35 PM   #259
Hattrick Moderator
Join Date: Jan 2003
Location: Pintendre, Qc, Canada
Originally Posted by BYU 14 View Post
Are we close to a town yet?

Here's how it stands right now. I have $217 in my pockets right now and $72 in sellable items for a total of $289. It's only a matter of doing a couple hours of coal mining before I get the missing $11 to get to the $300 needed to found a new town. Now, I also need to be well rested, i.e. have 80 rest points to my name. I am at 20 right now, so a night of sleep would bring me to 80.

The other thing is that I'm still a bit out East so to make it to where we'd like to found a town, I still got maybe 4 hours of riding my pony. I'll either ride the pony overnight and set to sleep tomorrow, then maybe think about founding the town tomorrow evening, but it would be ready until the next morning, as it takes 8 hours to set up. I would probably like it more to found it on Wednesday morning, as I won't have much time to tweak with it on Tuesday (giving karate classes) but Wednesday is usually an off night for me.

It's a matter of a couple of days now guys, then will come the need to upgrade a few things since at first only five person will be able to live in the town, and it won't even have a hotel, nor any shops.

Brings me to this idea I had: should we found only one town and try to get it up as fast as possible, or should we try to found two FOFC towns and have them grow concurrently and have more FOFCers involved with them?

What are your thoughts on this?

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