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Old 08-06-2003, 02:25 PM   #2
College Benchwarmer
Join Date: Jan 2003
Location: East Anglia
I agree. I can't watch any other cop shows now that I've seen this. Everyone gushes about The Shield. I tried watching it and it just didn't get it for me after seeing The Wire. My dad's a retired cop so I lived through a lot of the hidden aspects of a cops life and this show does a great job nailing those things that other cop shows can't do. Shows like NPYD Blue and Hill Street Blues all turned into soap operas. The Wire is hard core and totally real. I could see where some people would find it boring because it doesn't have a shootout at the end of every show. Matter of fact this week's episode was the first one I recall actually having one. And to be realistic the only person to get hit was a kid who got killed in his bedroom. Law and Order is the only other show to tackle these themes.
Molon labe
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