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Old 04-19-2009, 12:42 PM   #123
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Originally Posted by ISiddiqui View Post
Some, and that would include a number of the tea party folks (as well as plenty of my communist friends) would think that both parties have been getting into bed with big corporations more and more. And of course, it can be said that it starts with just partnerships because of economic necessity (I think many people forget that fascism was very hostile to free market capitalism).

And to those on the farther ends of the spectrum, I can easily see the position of the two major parties these days being closer to fascism than free market capitalism.

Though the other point was that this hardly resembles socialism. In fact many socialists and communists are pissed off that Obama is basically giving money away to big business for barely anything (they already hated Bush for his crony capitalism).

I think people are too quick to stick by one ideological stance and paint everything the same way. Things just aren't black and white in the real world and our politicians shouldn't treat it that way. Each political/economic system has its strengths and flaws. It is up to our politicians to do what they feel is best for the people and for the citizens to support what is best for it too.

The bailouts are an issue where people have gotten too ideological. I hate the bailouts as much as anyone. I think it's absolutely ridiculous that we got put in this position. But I also realize that the bailouts saved us from an economic apocalypse. That if we abided by the wishes of those at the tea party, we'd see every major financial instituation in this country go out of business. We'd be sent back a century and it would take a generation to recover.

So if shifting a little more toward corpartism temporarily is the best solution for the country, why does it matter? Shouldn't the goal ultimately be what's in the best interest of the country? After the mess is cleaned up, the goal should be shifting back toward a capitalistic system that has much stronger regulations to avoid this happening again. Ideologies are nice on paper, but they don't work in the real world.

People shouldn't be mad about the bailouts, they should be mad at why they were necessary. They should be mad at the politicians who have been asleep at the wheel for many years. They should be mad at the people who ran these companies and defrauded millions. Those are the enemies, not people who are currently trying to fix the mess.
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