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Old 04-21-2009, 03:21 AM   #279
H.S. Freshman Team
Join Date: Nov 2003
Location: Madison, Wisconsin
Originally Posted by Lathum View Post
I am starting to wonder if there was something to TheNorm and Abe. Not only did Abe push for TheNorm to be Ephor, and TheNorm voted for Abe. That links them on a few fronts.

Now we obviously can't vote Norm, but I am wondering if Abe is the way to go today.


I'm not following why we can't vote Norm. If he's the Ephor and bad, he can protect Abe, or he can let him go, and gain a small bit of trust with the thought pattern "hey look, he could have saved him if he had the power, but he didn't."

On the other hand, if we vote him out, and he has the Ephor power, he'd pretty much have to use it, or take it with him to Hades. We lose a villager for sure if he's a bad Ephor, but at the same time, we're gonna anyway at some point if this is the case, so we can force the issue into the open here, especially given that we've pretty much cleared PB at this point.

Of course, this is all based on him having the Ephor powers, which is a 50/50 shot, as far as I can tell.

I suppose we can always go with the "If he IS a bad Ephor, we're pretty well screwed over at this point anyway" logic and pursue something else, too.

Back around 9-10 AM Central to follow up on this. Work calls.
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