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Old 04-22-2009, 09:35 AM   #253
General Manager
Join Date: Oct 2002
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Originally Posted by Ronnie Dobbs2 View Post
molson, I think that rather than justifying/supporting/defending piracy, as far as I've read it, they're saying that piracy exists, will be very hard to eradicate, so perhaps the best method for solving the problem would be to find ways to minimize its effect.

Kind of like Hamsterdam in Season 3 of the Wire.

I understand that, that's a good point on its own, but they don't seem to mesh up to me.

Piracy exists anyway, so intellectual property owners should find a way to manage it = Piracy's impact on the economy and property owners is minimal?

How does the latter support the former?

It just seems like an attempt to make the theives the good guys and the record companies the bad guys.

And while the posters here are trying to be subtle, I think, about their support for piracy, that's not the opinion that record companies are dealing with. The Pirate Bay is a pro-pirate adovacate. They are anti-copyright. And they're very influential. How are their actions not criminal? How are they the good guy?

So I guess my question would be, what premise is supported when people minimize the impacts of piracy? Are they just pointing out how poorly intellectual property owners manage their copyrights? Why do you care how someone else manages their own property (unless you feel an entitlement to it)? And if the piracy impacts are minimal, aren't the intellectual property owners actually doing a great job of protecting their property from crime?

Last edited by molson : 04-22-2009 at 10:01 AM.
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