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Old 04-29-2009, 08:59 PM   #860
Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: Big Ten Country
Originally Posted by RendeR View Post
Eaglefan's arrest? the imminent failure if we didn't change? I don't regret going on the mission, I found something that will help us, but in hindsight, had I been able to log in sooner I would have gladly traded finding that item for helping complete the mission even after EF's arrest.

I'm stubborn, not stupid. I will always do whats best for the village when its patently obvious and I'm around in time to do so.

You're sending me mixed messages here. Are you saying that if you had been on sooner you would have changed or not? And if you are saying that you would have changed your action, you're saying your reasoning is because of EagleFan's arrest, which happened after the mission you went on?
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