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Old 04-30-2009, 08:22 AM   #910
Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: Big Ten Country
Originally Posted by Passacaglia View Post

I went into how I arrived at that assumption earlier -- it may or may not be correct, but it worked for me to put it there. Basically, path said that his skill was one that was mentioned before, but was not useful for any Day 1 activities. At the time he said that, the only skill that had been mentioned that were not useful on Day 1 was Food Distribution and Treasury. Once Lathum revealed as the third Food Distributor, I took a hunch that there couldn't more than three (we had eight skills, so I assumed four skills had two people each, and four skills had three people each). Now that everyone else has revealed, I think it looks more likely that he was the treasurer, since BK was the only other one. As I said earlier, he could have been lying, but why would he lie about that as a villager, and every other skill has two people, so why not treasurer?

I'll dig up the posts where I explained this yesterday morning when I get to work.

EF, the posts where I laid this out yesterday morning are 503 and 549.
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