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Old 05-04-2009, 11:04 AM   #100
Grizzled Veteran
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Location: Ashburn, VA
Originally Posted by terpkristin View Post
Think I'm fighting a little bit of a bug, my stomach's been kind of sensitive and I've been tired. Thus, instead of going to the gym this morning, I finished Unquiet Dreams on my Kindle2 and the next book on the Kindle will be Daemon, a book I'm reading for the Sword and Laser online fantasy and sci-fi book club.

I'm about 2/3 of the way through WoT3, The Dragon Reborn, listening to it from Audible. Also, after giving up on the print version, I'm listening to the audio version of Dune, which many have assured me is a good way to "read" the book, as it's got different voice actors for the characters. We'll see, I guess...


Well, I'm still reading Daemon. It's a light read and entertaining enough, but lately at night I've been finding myself playing Fairway Solitaire or Final Fantasy VI (I'm re-playing my favorite FF game) while watching TV instead of reading.

Finished up The Dragon Reborn, I think right before I left for round 2 in Vernon. I'm ~1/2 way through The Shadow Rising now, the 4th in the Wheel of Time series.

I gave up on Dune. I could NOT get into it. It felt really slow to me, and I found myself saying what was going to happen next literally 30 minutes before the narrarator finally got to the action of it happening. Even with voice actors, I didn't care about the characters. I feel like this is a loss, as I've heard it's quite good, but 3 tries and I'm out.

I finished listening to Malcolm Gladwell's Blink. It was pretty good, if repetitive. His examples were interesting, but he really just skimmed the surface of his point, using mulitple examples to prove the same thing.

Next up might be Legacy of Ashes: The History of the CIA. It sounds interesting, but it's the type of book that can be fairly biased. I probably will get it in audio, as it was a recommendation awhile back from Dvorak on This Week in Tech. He also recommended Confessions of an Economic Hitman, which I enjoyed, and I do like the narrarator on the audio version, so we'll see.

Whatever I read next, it's going to be something far away from the fantasy or sci-fi genres. Until I finish my re-read of WoT, I'm probably going to avoid most high fantasy, as I find it pretty easy to get my storylines confused. I think at this point I'm leaning towards non-fiction, triller, or beach fiction (you know, stuff like Confessions of a Shopaholic, things you get to not tax your brain too much while at the beach).

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