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Old 05-14-2009, 09:13 PM   #1433
Alan T
Hall Of Famer
Join Date: Dec 2002
Location: Mass.
Originally Posted by DaddyTorgo View Post
you should keep in mind that you're always suspicious of me though

i could reveal as the seer and you would still probably claim that i was bad

I left my vote on PB while discussing EF? Yeah, cuz we were least 6 hours away from deadline (i forget what time it was exactly). Moving my vote willy nilly at that point does nothing, particularly because idk if we know what the tiebreaker might be.

For all we know, lathum's ability may have been triggered by getting enough of us to follow him on a vote, so maybe there was nothing wrong with my vote? Not like it got a roled villager lynched or anything. As a matter of fact, my eventual vote (quite early) helped us lynch a wolf.

And I would argue that Autumn and I and you to some extent, started discussing EF as a potential wolf at about the same time. I'm not about to go back and look at timestamps to verify that, but that is the way that it "felt" to me.

I went back through and looked. I think even though it was obvious that I was questioning Telle and obviously was not buying what she said, I didn't actually mention Eaglefan until I voted for him and explained that it felt to me that EF and Telle were in cahoots on day 1 and not Telle protecting ntn as some others claimed. Your posts were shortly after that, so I'll accept that you were near the start. I'm going to leave it at that as for me to go further in what my recap was I think would give too much of a roadmap for wolves to target tonight. It can be a conversation for tomorrow if people really want it.

Like I said before, my focus tomorrow is likely on Telle. your posts wern't sitting well with me likely because I had made up my mind about Eaglefan before you had started posting about him (and I often get tunnelvision on things). So this probably isn't really a line of discussion that is going to be too fruitful to continue really.
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