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Old 05-25-2009, 05:26 PM   #52
Pro Starter
Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: Kansas City, MO
Sun's proposed schedule is a reasonable one to me.

Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't want all my leagues to be "fast" leagues -- maybe just one league where it would be reasonable to maybe get in 10 seasons before next year's version comes out.

I think my biggest complaint with say a 5-day schedule is that when 11 guys are ready after 3 days and it's one guy holding it up, or worse yet one guy who misses the deadline and it's now a 6-day schedule. I think it's preferably to have a shorter deadline to get everyone in as fast as possible and if someone has a delay and can't get it in, you can extend. It's just that there are times when there are no valid reasons to have a 5-day sim other than someone just waited until the last minute to get the game in.

One thing some leagues has done has been to eliminate week 1 games -- that speeds up the sims. If it's possible with weekly schedules, I'd eliminate a 2nd week as well (like week 14) -- no human games in those two weeks of the season. Allow h2h non-conference games in weeks 2-4 but no others -- that way you concentrate as many of your h2h games in as few weeks as possible so 10 guys playing against the CPU aren't finished in two days and everyone is waiting 6 days for two guys to get their game in.

But I don't want this to sound hardcore and scare everyone away. If I'm in three leagues, I'd like for one of them to be a "fast" league. I'm good with 3-5 day schedules in other leagues.
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