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Old 05-27-2009, 04:51 PM   #344
High School Varsity
Join Date: Nov 2000
Location: East Lothian, Scotland
Trying to think through why a player would claim the role of the cultist...

Villager: Finds out the identity of one of the wolves (which could potentially be very useful if the villagers get to endgame with one wolf left...), and get the option to take on the powers of the cultist (win with the wolves, converted rather than killed if target of night kill)

Cultist: Can either become a vanilla villager (a distant second choice?), or find out the identity of all wolves and remain the cultist (i.e. wins with wolves, will be converted). As far as I can tell, it's hard to see why the cultist would choose to convert to being a villager, given the choices available.

Wolf: No real benefit: 1) finds out the identity of a wolf, but has PM rights with the other wolves already, so will know all of the wolves already. 2) wins with the wolves - was going to win with the wolves anyway... 3) conversion if attacked by the wolves - this person is already a wolf! (Of course, a wolf could use this apparent lack of benefit to build trust with the village - would have to sacrifice one of their wolvish colleagues for this to work, though, as the 'believe' will be public, and there would be pressure to reveal the identity of the wolf that's provided with the 'believed' cultist role.)

I was going to vote for lerriuqs before I looked at this more closely - now I'm not so sure...
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