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Old 06-02-2009, 12:55 AM   #72
Head Coach
Join Date: Dec 2002
Location: Michigan
I'll run it if that seems to be the consensus of people. I'd also suggest having two people to act as AFC and NFC presidents or whatever, and then the three of us could figure out sliders, trades, etc.

And as far as simming goes, it probably isn't going to work because of bye weeks. It'll be virtually impossible to do I think since obviously there are a max of what, 6 teams with a bye in a week and that is infrequent as it is.

A strict schedule though would need to be enforced and I would suggest Sun's two games per week schedule.

Also a final thing would be I vote we do not do a fantasy draft and stick with the current rosters. I think it's more fun that way, and two, a fantasy draft would be so time consuming with 30 teams x 53 rounds.
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