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Old 06-19-2009, 08:01 PM   #359
Head Coach
Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: Green Bay, WI
Originally Posted by JonInMiddleGA View Post
Oh the irony, that I find myself much more closely aligned with Rainmaker's p.o.v. on this one. (As I recall, he & I don't exactly have a long history of being on the same page)

Saying anything on the subject also gives us jack shit, beyond maybe some vague delusion that we had a positive influence on the outcome.
IF (and there isn't a big enough nor bold enough font to emphasize that IF) there's a regime change or "revolution" in Iran, it won't come from the people who wrote their signs in English hoping to play to some anonymous American TV viewer, it'll be the people who were ready to fight & die to get it because they want it, not because the U.S. government nor Saint Obama nor Paula Abdul nor Ronald freakin' McDonald said they supported their noble efforts. An outgunned populace isn't going to create a revolution on our words, ask the Cubans how well that works. In the end, if you aren't backing it up with something more tangible than some empty platitudes (and FTR I'm not remotely suggesting that we should in this instance) then the only benefit to saying virtually anything is all in our heads.

What, uh, he said.

Once that resolution came up, it was really a foregone conclusion what was going to happen. I was hopeful it could be quashed in committee or something, because, as Jon said, the government getting involved in words does absolutely nothing for anybody but the 405 people patting themselves on the back for voting 'yes.'

But it was clear from the first moment Pence proposed that resolution that it was an attempt to score cheap political points at the potential cost of the lives of Iranian students and/or any soldiers we might eventually have to send in if Khamenei/Ahmadinejad remain in power.
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