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Old 06-24-2009, 11:54 AM   #648
The boy who cried Trout
Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: TX
Originally Posted by Honolulu_Blue View Post
I have similar concerns. He's certainly written himself into many, many corners and, I think, that's one of the big reasons this last book is taking so long. There are a number of issues that I just don't know how he resolves. Some of the bigger ones, to me at least, are: How does Tyrion become relevant again? How does Arya become relevant? Bran? Dany's dragons? For the last three it's really just a matter of time, but given how slowly time has moved and how many things from the last book demmand immediate attention (the fates of Arya, Brienne, Cersei, and Sansa) , I don't see how time will progress quick enough to get them in a position they need to be (i.e., Bran mastering whatever the hell he's supposed to master, Arya becoming an actual Faceless Man, unless this whole thing is just some frolic and detour, and Dany's dragons being large enough to be ridden into battle and effective at doing so).

For Tyrion, I'm not sure what he'll do. What value is he to anyone other than as a way to gain favor from the Lannisters in the form of bringing them his head? The only thing that made him a "player" was his family's wealth and power. He doesn't have that anymore. All he is now is a witty, smart, ugly and horribly scarred dwarf with a large price on his mishapen head.

Poor, Mrs. Schmidty. She sounds like a young Sansa, her head full of songs and stories. She might just quit right around the end of book one. Many people, myself included, found that very upsetting.

Tyrion's man Braun has quite a lot of gold. With the throne in question for now, and some gold, they can raise and army and stake a claim. If he can ally with Jamie...who knows?

As for Bran or Arya, I figure Arya will end up running a band of rebels, and Bran will do "something" with the northmen. Add Dany and her people into the mix, and you can have a hell of a wrap-up! but if he keeps on his no-mercy style of storytelling, Bran and Arya will end up dead, with Jamie fighting off an invasion from Dany.

I'm looking forward to reading it.
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