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Old 07-14-2009, 07:07 PM   #101
Head Coach
Join Date: Dec 2002
Location: Michigan
Couple of impressions

- I lost 14-7 to VT on All American. I found it far easier to run the ball then pass, as the passing is a bit different. The view is wider so it makes it harder to see longer patterns develop, this should help some of the human passing get leveled out, or at least it will for me for a while.

- The rain actually matters. I sacked Tyrod Taylor once when he slipped going back and got decked. I also had a WR miss a pass because he bit it coming out of his cut.

- DB's and Safeties are faster at jumping routes. It wasn't super LB style but they were pretty damn fast.

- The screen passes are already a bit tougher to use. They aren't as quick to develop, but it was only one game.

- Pursuits are a lot better but not perfect. No 20 yards extra though because the D wants to run next to you.

- Pass rush is a mixed bag. If you want a pass rush I suggest using player lock, it's great. I found it to be more fun then just using a DB and scoring user picks. I used Brandon Graham, 94 OV DE, and he was stout, though it wasn't domination. Sometimes the OL are just maulers but if you time a spin move you're gonna have a free path unless an RB is there.

- Some new OL techniques in certain formations. At times VT's OT's were basically playing behind the OL with TE"s on the LOS.

- The game is smoother, and it seems like some ratings mean more. My best WR who has great acceleration could cut a lot faster then other guys who didn't have that quickness.

- It's early but I do like it more then I thought I would at this point. It's for sure not perfect and like I said it is one game, but the whole thing seems smoother then 09 was, and stuff that worked in 09 with regularity didn't work in the first game. That said, still plenty of time for other stuff to emerge.
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