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Old 07-15-2009, 08:43 PM   #169
General Manager
Join Date: Jun 2006
Location: Chicago, IL
Originally Posted by lynchjm24 View Post
You act like 90% of the country has no health insurance. The vast vast majority does. There are many more eligible for Medicaid and SCHIP who are too lazy or too stupid to sign up.

Our infant mortality rates are high because there are lazy stupid people in this country, not because there is a population of uninsured.

Check the obesity rates. Is that because they lack health insurance and a doctor didn't tell them to lose weight too? America spends many more dollars on end of life care prolonging life at the end stages. When that care gets rationed it's going to immediately lower life expectancy. People don't get that care in Europe.

People act like a single payer is going to eliminate rationing from the health insured. Ha. It's going to increase, not decrease.

It's not just about having health insurance, it's about how the insurance industry is fucking broken. They dictate your treatments, decide what they want to pay and what they want you to pay. I will guarantee you that you'll have a hard time finding many people who haven't had some health insurance nightmare story. When your doctor says we need you to stay an extra 2 days in the hospital because we're worried about infection and your insurance company says "no fucking way", something is broken.

Are you honestly telling me that there are 50 million uninsured people who can all be insured but are just too lazy too? That the rejection letters they get because they have diabetes or had cancer 10 years ago are just made up? I don't doubt that there are people who don't realize they can get it, but there are also a lot of people who don't have it because they can't. Because unfortunately they didn't win the genetic lottery and have a pre-existing condition that forces most insurance companies to reject them.

The obesity argument is just plain silly. There are so many causes for obesity that tying it to "laziness" is just ridiculous. Poverty, ethnicity, environment, etc all play roles in this. It's not a simple "laziness" answer.

I don't know about Europe, but I know Canada's system works and is real nice. Why not use something like that down here?
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