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Old 07-15-2009, 08:48 PM   #171
General Manager
Join Date: Jun 2006
Location: Chicago, IL
Originally Posted by lynchjm24 View Post
I can certainly empathize with your parents. However, that's the reality of treating people their ages, it's that expensive.

I guess it's 'pathetic', but that's part of the demographic issue this country faces. As the population ages, if you shift their healthcare expenses to the young it cripples the economy. You cripple the economy and government entitlement programs crash and burn.

People need to understand they need to save for their heathcare, like they save for retirement, or save for their kid's college education. Either way it's getting spent. You'll either be taxed back to the stone age, or you'll have to spend your own money. That's the reality people don't want to deal with.

So how are countries like Canada able to do this relatively well while we can't? They aren't taxed back to the Stone Age.
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