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Old 07-15-2009, 08:59 PM   #174
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Join Date: Jun 2006
Location: Chicago, IL
Originally Posted by lynchjm24 View Post
The government that you so want to save you says themselves that there are over 10 million people eligible for government programs like Medicaid who just haven't signed up. I can only attribute that to two things: Laziness and stupidity.

You don't think obesity has an effect on healthcare costs and life expectancy. Yes, it's more complicated then just 'laziness', but everything is an excuse. Except for some with medical conditions being overweight is something that can be fixed by exercise and diet.

Universal care here is going to cost much more then any other country. It's the attitude of the people combined with the overall poor health and diet.

Americans aren't sick because of the insurance industry. Americans are sick because they don't take care of themselves and that reality plays out in the insurance industry.

Obesity is also a result of poverty. It's much cheaper to eat crap. It's a result of having to work longer hours or multiple jobs to get health insurance. Ethnicity plays a role as hispanics are genetically built to be more obese (we have a much higher hispanic population than most countries).

I have no doubt that laziness is a huge factor, but I don't see how having a better health system wouldn't help that. Wouldn't seeing a doctor once a year for a checkup and being able to discuss diet, exercise, etc be good for obese people?
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