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Old 07-20-2009, 04:35 PM   #18
The Jackal
Join Date: Jan 2008
Location: New Hampshire
Originally Posted by JAG View Post
I like this. The downside is it extends the game since there isn't a kill during the day and is the trade-off worth enough to offset the wolves getting the first kill in place of villagers? To offset that maybe you could say N1 wolves don't get a kill, but they choose a villager at random and learn their role (although this again extends the game length). Depending on how many unique villager roles there are, that may be too strong though.

By the way, for the vets out there, has there been a D1 where a wolf was lynched? I haven't followed along for very long but in recent games and in some past games I've looked at, I don't think I've seen one where a villager wasn't lynched the first day.

Sure, there have been wolves lynched on the first day. We've had wolf vs wolf runoffs on day one.
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